catalog design

catalog design

catalog design

Catalog design is an important part of the advertising and marketing process. Advertising companies and graphic designers have considered different styles for catalog design, from catalog design in the form of page layout to journal, industrial, advertising, illustrated, etc., but we believe that in today’s competitive environment, other styles Catalog design alone does not create the necessary visual appeal and attract the audience. With the support of more than four decades of activity in the printing industry and providing hundreds of catalogs during these years, Negaran offers you a different view of being special by designing catalogs with visual appeal along with using the capacities of the printing industry.

Sample catalog design

Catalog design price
( Creatively + DIGITAL)
Face-to-face consultation:
1 session
The initial design of the internal pages:
1 etude of 8 internal pages
The initial design of the cover pages:
1 etude from the back and cover
The initial design of the digital catalog:
1 etude of 8 internal pages
Time to submit the initial plan:
15 working days
Minimum number of pages:
20 pages
Number of edits:
2+2 times
Making a replica:
1 vol
Conversion of printed catalog to digital:
Digital catalog:
has it
The cost of designing the inside pages:
500,000 tomans
Back and cover design cost:
900,000 tomans
Digital catalog design cost:
400,000 tomans
Face-to-face consultation:
1 session
The initial design of the internal pages:
1 etude of 8 internal pages
The initial design of the cover pages:
1 etude from the back and cover
The initial design of the digital catalog:
Time to submit the initial plan:
10 working days
Minimum number of pages:
20 pages
Number of edits:
2 times
Making a replica:
1 vol
Conversion of printed catalog to digital:
has it
Digital catalog:
The cost of designing the inside pages:
550,000 tomans
Back and cover design cost:
1,000,000 Tomans
Digital catalog design cost:
Face-to-face consultation:
1 session
The initial design of the internal pages:
1 etude of 8 internal pages
The initial design of the cover pages:
1 etude from the back and cover
The initial design of the digital catalog:
Time to submit the initial plan:
10 working days
Minimum number of pages:
20 pages
Number of edits:
2 times
Making a replica:
1 vol
Conversion of printed catalog to digital:
Digital catalog:
The cost of designing the inside pages:
450,000 tomans
Back and cover design cost:
800,000 tomans
Digital catalog design cost:
Face-to-face consultation:
1 session
The initial design of the internal pages:
1 etude of 4 internal pages
The initial design of the cover pages:
1 etude from the back and cover
The initial design of the digital catalog:
Time to submit the initial plan:
7 working days
Minimum number of pages:
20 pages
Number of edits:
1 time
Making a replica:
Conversion of printed catalog to digital:
Digital catalog:
The cost of designing the inside pages:
300,000 tomans
Back and cover design cost:
500,000 tomans
Digital catalog design cost:

Increasing the influence of digital space on advertising is an undeniable part of today’s world. Negaran’s VIP package is catalog design based on print capacities, along with digital catalog design based on UI and UX principles. Negaran with a team of designers in the field of print and virtual space, along with digital marketing specialists at her disposal. It creates a cycle between printed catalog, digital catalog, website and virtual networks. This allows you to reach a wider part of the target market


In many cases, leading companies and brands, along with the transfer of information and data, have a special look at the advertising part and the credibility of their organizational identity. In such a way that their catalog of products and services conveys a different and special view to the audience. In this case, the design is based on the design of the CREATIVELY catalog, which is based on the use of printing capacities. The use of different paper materials, special formats and highlighting, metallic and pantone colors, cellophane and different UVs, different bindings and packaging, as well as every possibility that the printing industry provides to the executive team of writers to give a different sense of being special. transfer to your catalog


The purpose of brands in designing product catalogs is to simply provide specialized and advertising information to their contacts. In this case, the design is done based on the design of the MODERN catalog, which pages have different formats, as well as the use of advertising and practical designs.


The products and services booklet provides specialized product information, installation and operation methods. In the design of the CLASSIC catalog, the pages are arranged based on the same format

Companies and organizations are looking for catalog design with special visual and content capabilities. In order to be able to have a greater impact on their audience in today’s competitive market in the shortest time than other competitors. It is because of this that before doing anything, the target market and domestic and foreign economic competitors of each group must be examined. In order to be able to obtain a suitable and different structure for the catalog of that collection according to the information obtained and according to the horizon of view of each collection. Advertising budgets related to catalog design and catalog printing also play an important role in shaping the creativity created. This leads to the formation of a catalog based on how much space there is to create print creations such as the use of fancy paper, metallic and artificial colors, different molds and UVs, etc.

Industrial catalog design template

The format of the industrial catalog is determined according to the type of products and services, text, images, diagrams, etc. The format of the catalog should be such that the information and details of products and services are conveyed to the audience in the simplest possible way. The catalogs are printed in standard dimensions, including A4, B5, B4, A5 and brick cuts. It should be noted that in some cases, non-standard dimensions are used to personalize the catalog, in which case part of the consumable paper is discarded. By examining the catalog information and the type of activity of each collection, one of the above dimensions is considered vertically or horizontally.

Catalog design idea

High quality images will help the audience to better understand your products and services. The most important element of the catalog design is the images used in them so that the different angles of each product can be displayed in the best way. Also, for more impact and attracting the audience with a decorative and advertising photo, you can introduce your new services and products in the form of a creative idea generation. After all, if you do not have suitable images, the Atelier of Photographers will accompany you with industrial photography of products or three-dimensional execution of the product and its creation in the form of an advertising plan in line with your advertising goals.

The main part of catalog design is composition in the form of creative ideation. It is at this stage that by creating a different structure and the necessary visual appeal, along with inducing the organizational color of the collection to the pages, we can help products and services to be seen better. But it should not be forgotten that ideation, creativity and an attractive graphic design do not make sense without the principles of printing.

Knowledge of the types of printing, accurate colorimetry and calibration of the design in relation to the print output, observing the appropriate margins for binding and …. All of this can be very important in turning an attractive design into an ideal print. We have set the goal on this basis so that we can realize the image we have created in your mind through the design of the catalog with the supervision of experts on all stages of catalog design and printing.

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What is a catalog design and what features should it have?

The catalog is the manual that is provided to the customer to introduce the products or services of the organization. Advertising catalog design is done with the aim of creating a relationship between producers and consumers of goods or services. If the catalog printing is of acceptable quality, it will have a greater impact on the customer’s choice. Actually, the customer decides to buy or not to buy based on the design and printing of the catalog. Catalog design can be made in a way that makes the decision easier for the customer.

How is an advertising catalog designed?

A catalog is actually a guide to a product or service. In designing an advertising catalog, a list of factory products or services of the organization and institute can also be included. Many businesses use catalogs to introduce the services they provide. A well-designed catalog is the best advertising tool to acquaint the customer with the production process or services of the institution. This feature is different from what is seen in brochure printing. Brochures typically contain comprehensive information that is designed to familiarize the audience with the goals and performance of the organization. But catalogs have the task of informing about the most detailed items related to the introduced goods or services.

Advertising catalog design

The purpose of designing an advertising catalog

In designing advertising catalogs in addition to product names, models, photos, technical specifications and…. Also seen with brief descriptions. These items are most useful to guide the buyer and familiarize the customer with the desired product. In this way, this type of catalog can be targeted at the customer for purchase order and the list of products or goods available in the store is informed. The purpose of this design is to enable the customer to choose from the products on the list.

Many service providers provide catalogs, service details, and partner organizations to the customer by designing a catalog, which facilitates the order registration process. In fact, producers are looking for customers and consumers are looking for producers. In this ongoing process, the key role of catalogs is well defined. The more professional the catalog design and the better the print quality, the better and stronger the bridge between the producer and the consumer is formed.

What are the features of a good promotional catalog?

Printing images of goods or services along with providing written texts alone can not lead to effective communication. A mix of specialized techniques and fine arts can be seen in the design of a professional catalog. The catalog must be purposefully designed otherwise it loses its functionality. Half of the catalogs never get the customer’s attention and go to the trash unread. Some of the most important features of a good catalog are:

  • Lightweight and portable
  • Ability to read catalogs in the shortest time
  • Short descriptions and key points for the buyer
  • Contains answers to all buyer questions
  • Designing a targeted advertising catalog to attract the buyer’s attention
  • Contains more information on tracts and posters
  • Proper design of images between catalog entries
  • Use of colors in catalog design

What is an Industrial Catalog?

One of the ways of advertising is in the field of production, business activity and providing catalog design and printing services, which makes the audience familiar with the goals of a company and its products.

Shopping by catalog

It has not been long since the catalog was formed and entered the world of advertising. From the middle of the twentieth century, due to the fact that the use of announcements, monochrome tracts and face-to-face presentation of another company’s products did not meet the needs of companies, people began to think about catalog design.

Cheap catalog design

Using a catalog allows potential customers to become familiar with a company’s products in a short time and be able to identify their needs.

The original design of the catalog used to look more like a tract in the form of a back and forth sheet. In the early 1970s, standard dimensions were defined by French designers at 21 by 30, and catalogs at the time were more than two pages long, using written texts to describe the product in addition to introducing the product.

The most important reason for using the catalog was to inform about a company’s products and services without the need for intermediaries.

Types of industrial catalogs

Industrial catalogs are usually presented in two categories:

  • A way to introduce a product from multiple products. (One product)
  • To introduce several new products with different functions (multiple products)

One of the important points in designing an industrial catalog is the use of high quality photos and a variety of colors and the lack of texts.

Most successful catalog designers draw the audience to the catalog and its content in less than 10 seconds. Their secret is to use a lot of photos and a small amount of text. Undoubtedly, the most obvious and meaningful part of any design is its colored elements. Printing color-coded catalogs comes at a high cost, but there are many benefits to using color.

When designing an industrial catalog, even put the logo of the company in it. The logo represents the business activity of a company and its trademark. Usually the logo is located in the catalog on the first page and its best place is on the top and left side of the page. Some people prefer to use the logo on all pages.

Colors in catalog design

When designing an industrial catalog, do not forget to use the organizational color of the company in question. The corporate color and the logo of a company are two elements that show the business identity of an organization. Research has shown that the average time a person looks at a catalog is 7 seconds, and the presence of color attracts more attention. So use a color book when choosing a color and consider the psychology of color in catalog design.

Colors in the catalog

Do not forget to allocate the necessary space to the products when designing and printing the catalog. A catalog should be large enough to showcase the company’s products and attract the viewer’s attention.

On the other hand, the pages and their format must be in harmony with the catalog space. For example, if you work in photography, put fewer elements on the page and create a unique design by focusing more on the images. In Photoshop, such colors can be beautifully separated and a variety of colors can be used.

The importance of images in the design of industrial catalogs

Undoubtedly, the images are a constant part of the catalogs, so use high-quality images to fully show the value of the products. Do not forget about good lighting and high accuracy when shooting.

What should we consider when designing and printing a catalog?

  • Provide a summary of the name and performance of the company and introduce their activities at the beginning of the catalog.
  • Familiarity of the audience with points and awards (standards, ISOs, etc.).
  • Full description of the latest production methods and services.
  • Guide the audience on how to use the services or products provided and express their distinctive characteristics in comparison with competing products.
  • Enter the correct contact information in the form of address, phone, web address and email.

The importance of images in catalogs

What are the salient features of an industrial catalog?

  • Ability to carry it to different places and study at the right time.
  • Contains visual content that makes the description concise but useful.
  • Communicate with the audience without intermediaries.
  • Putting together image and text to better understand the audience with the company’s goals and products.

It is better to use offset printing to print catalogs to increase the quality of work. Catalog format, like other offset and letterhead printing, must be CMYK. The distance from the perimeter on each side is 5 mm and if the line needs to be folded, consider another 5 mm from the edges of the line.

One of the things that makes the quality of catalog design more valuable is the use of the type of cover.

The choice of cover should be made according to the weight and quality of the brochure paper. A quality brochure shows the customer a lot and its excellent quality highlights the attractiveness of services and products.

Note that there is no need to choose the most expensive paper, but poor quality brochures (in terms of material quality) do not bring good results.

Types of covers for catalogs

Types of coatings for printing industrial catalogs are:

  • Cool glossy cellophane
  • Cold matte cellophane
  • Shiny thermal cellophane
  • Thermal matte cellophane
  • Matte or glossy UV
  • Types of topical UV or stencil

Industrial catalog printing

Catalogs are printed and prepared in a variety of punches or punches. The choice of the number of lats depends on the individual. Cataloging is less wired and the reason is the high cost of production. But wired cataloging greatly increases the value of the work.

Do not leave the following questions unanswered before sending the catalog for printing:

  • Is there an incomplete part of the catalog that needs to be fixed? If yes, which part?
  • Is the overall appearance of the catalog and the feeling it creates in the viewer a deterrent to sales or does it increase its volume?
  • In previous catalogs, how long after the first distribution of the catalog? In the new plan, what is the estimated time for this work?
  • How did the audience interact with the previous design of the catalog? How does this change in the new design?

In the end, do not forget that the steps of designing and printing a catalog must be passed patiently, and the designer must evaluate many cases and proceed as a trial and error. Try to invest in designing a professional catalog as it will increase your company’s sales.

In the end, do not forget the high level of competition in today’s world and the importance of effective advertising has made the slightest mistake mean the loss of a large base of users. As a result, be extremely careful in designing and printing the brochure so that you do not regret it later!

Catalog design and hidden tips about it

Professional catalog design contains very important and basic points, which many designers are unaware of and fail to print the catalog, so we are by your side to successfully go through all these steps. Let’s.

The most important part of a professional catalog design is its content, but how does the content attract the audience?

You might think that if the content is small and concise, it is enough, but the important point in designing it is that you can provide a complete description of your product or service, but this content should be useful in addition to being comprehensive and avoiding additional content and Avoid useless.

Professional catalog design

The catalog is distributed to the audience in seminars, conferences and waiting rooms. The dimensions of the catalog, the type of paper and the cover on it vary according to the purpose and type of message. Do these two questions need to be answered before designing a catalog?

What is the purpose of catalog design?

Who is the target community?

The answers to these questions determine the style and principles of design in the catalog. Although the lines of work are clear, but in the professional points and details, the creativity and initiatives of the designer come to the fore. The following are more important for creating an effective catalog:

Catalog printing and design

Catalog design methods in Negaran collection

Written catalog

We, as a collection of writers with the support of more than three decades of activity in the printing industry and presenting hundreds of catalogs during these years, together with a team of professional designers, believe that with a professional, modern and attractive catalog along with the use of printing creations, We can show a different world of design to your audience. Because our motto <<ازنو نگار>> From the new writer We are looking to rewrite to create an attractive atmosphere by using the capabilities available in the printing industry so that we can offer you a style different from what you have seen so far.

Digital Catalog

Due to the advancement of technology and the increasing use of the digital world, collectors <<The first manufacturer of digital catalogs in Iran>> In addition to the written catalog, by creating a digital catalog of your collection, it offers other dimensions of your services and products. To get acquainted with these features, refer to the digital catalog page.

How much should we spend for our catalog?

Spending time and money in the catalog design department, in addition to the impressive advertising effect, will make the design and printing with the best possible quality and increase our target market several times.

It is obvious that; Catalog printing And similarly, printing brochures on different types of paper with different grams will bring different costs, for example, printing catalogs on papers with high thickness and higher grammage will bring more costs, but this higher cost will attract more audiences. It has a high value.

The design and printing of the catalog should be done in proportion to the time and circulation

For example in digital printing If circulation Catalog If you have less than 500 copies, the printing time will be very effective for your catalog, but if the circulation of your catalog or brochure is more than this number, you can use Offset which has an affordable cost, our experts and consultants will be with you in all stages of choosing and planning the design of the catalog and its printing.

The type of cover and its impact on the attractiveness of your catalog

Take the choice of cellophane cover and bindingcatalog seriously. One of the most popular page covers in catalog design is glossy and matte cellophane cover. Our experts in offset printing choose one of the types that is more effective than the subject of your catalog.

Select the catalog font

To create more effect, you can use two or three fonts with different sizes. If the main and sub-titles are two different sizes, it will attract the audience’s attention. Larger fonts are selected for main titles, medium fonts for subtitles and smaller fonts for posts. This coordination in the pages should be considered in the same way.

This coordination in the pages should be considered in the same way.

In order for the customer to be familiar with the company’s goals, it is necessary that the designed catalog is consistent with the products offered. For example, corporate and good business catalogs are always different from simple catalogs. The catalog of a charity and the gallery of a gold shop are never designed the same.

The right color for a professional catalog

Colors have magical powers and can attract many customers to your business. The first thing that affects the look of the audience is the appearance and color of the catalog. Professional and experienced designers make the best use of colors using the principles of psychology. The use of 4 colors in the design of the catalog allows for more creativity.

Perfect photo in the catalog

Attractive and creative images in Photoshop, if used professionally, multiply the effectiveness of the design. Use images to convey an effective message to the audience. The images selected in the catalog should match the type of business, products offered or services of the company.

Dedicated catalog design

Inserting an organizational logo is one of the main items in catalog design. In order to inform the type of activity and business in the best way, be sure to design your own logo. Printing catalog on paper with the quality, size and dimensions of the catalog, inserting the correct information in the text and other mentioned items all increase the effectiveness of the catalog.

Catalog design tutorial in Photoshop

Education catalog design Professionalism includes very important and basic points, which many designers are not paying attention to, and by not being successful in Catalog printing they face, that’s why we are by your side to go through all these steps successfully.

The most important part of a professional catalog design is its content, but how does the content attract the audience?

You might think that if the content is small and concise, it is enough, but the important point in designing it is that you can provide a complete description of your product or service, but this content should be useful in addition to being comprehensive and avoiding additional content and Avoid useless.

Online catalog design, industrial catalogs, examples of designer catalog designs with creative ideas, industrial photography, modern and professional catalog design price, updated in 1402

Professional catalog design has become a major challenge in today’s world. Catalogs are an important part of the advertising and marketing process. With a professional, modern and attractive catalog, you can be a few steps ahead of your other economic competitors. Companies, graphic designers and different people have considered different styles for design, from layout to magazines, industry, advertising, illustrations, etc. But we believe that in today’s competitive environment, other design styles to Alone does not create the necessary visual appeal and attract the audience.

Catalog designer

Advertising companies always use creative designers in specialized fields. A catalog designer, using her creativity and intelligence, uses useful tools such as graphic software to design brochures and catalogs. in such a way that it can convey a complete message and concept to the audience in the design of the product catalog.

This is despite the fact that sometimes catalog designers consider it necessary to use even manual design to implement their idea. These types of professionals get inspiration from the world around them and nature so that they can implement the theme and design of the client well and use various colors, shapes and other effective features in this direction.

In addition to using graphic tools, the catalog designer must also have artistic taste and deliver the product catalog design work to her customer in a professional manner.

Product catalog design

In designing advertising catalogs in addition to product names, models, photos, technical specifications and…. Also seen with brief descriptions. These items are most useful to guide the buyer and familiarize the customer with the desired product. In this way, this type of catalog can be targeted at the customer for purchase order and the list of products or goods available in the store is informed. The purpose of this design is to enable the customer to choose from the products on the list.

Many service providers provide catalogs, service details, and partner organizations to the customer by designing a catalog, which facilitates the order registration process. In fact, producers are looking for customers and consumers are looking for producers. In this ongoing process, the key role of catalogs is well defined. The more professional the catalog design and the better the print quality, the better and stronger the bridge between the producer and the consumer is formed.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
How much does it cost to design a product catalog?

Keep in mind that the cost of catalog design varies according to the number of pages and layout. Package printing costs will also depend on the type of paper and the type of printing.

How long does catalog design take?

To deliver the catalog design, the number of pages and the type of design requested will be determined according to the various projects submitted, which will vary between five and fifteen days.

How to make a good product catalog?

The most important goal in catalog design is to sell goods and orders. That is why it is necessary to design it using short and useful explanations, along with practical and professional images, so that it can be effective in marketing.

What is an online catalog?

In online or digital catalogs, methods such as animation, music or movies are used to provide the necessary charm to introduce the product and service. This type of catalog has unlimited design capabilities and is easily available to users and can be easily viewed on a computer or mobile phone.

How to get a free digital catalog?

When ready-made digital catalog software is used that allows a project to be executed with just a few clicks, its costs are reduced or in some cases it will be free. In design and printing, a free digital catalog is provided for the order of catalog design.

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